some pieces of life ~

garuru's plate - 3

hello folks :3

please be kind to all the photos hehehe

kali ini gw membawa makanan yang agak berbeda

foto kali ini adalah mie mawud
kedengarannya memang sedikit asing di telinga
di beberapa tempat dia dipanggil mi atau nasi goreng magelangan (apakah pretama kali dibuat di magelang ?)

the billionare secret - film

hello folks :3

kali ini gw akan share sedikit tentang film yang pernah gw tonton
judulnya the billionare secret, film thailand, boleh langsung dicari dan ditonton

garuru's plate - 2

a friend of mine brought a bento
its nasi liwet + chicken nugget + ikan peda
sampai sekarang gw masih penasran untuk masak nasi liwet menggunakan kastrol
kastrol adalah semacarm panci yang digunakan untuk memasak nasi liwet
please enjoy  :9


garuru's plate -1

Hello folks :3

mari kita mulai XD

kedua foto dibawah ini diambil di kantin fakultas ekonomi UI depok

transit food

hello folks


gw mengumpulkan beberapa foto makanan
dan gw bersemangat untuk mengumpulkan lebih banyak hehehe

selamat menikmati !

kopi yang kena tubruk

hello folks :3

kali ini sedikit posting tentang minuman hehehe
salah satu minuman yang paling mudah dicari dari sekian banyak minuman yang gw suka adalah kopi

kopi / コーヒー / coffee / kahveh / koffie / 커피

nasi goreng terasi

Hello folks :3

tadaa ~ its my first post about culinary

oke, tujuannya adalah untuk dokumentasi aja
kesempatan kali ini akan diisi dengan resep yang sederhana
resepnya gw usahain semudah mungkin supaya bisa dicoba juga
kalo bisa gw akan kasih resep masakan yang low budget hehe

yup  ! nasi goreng terasi

nasi putih 2-3 piring (porsi makan gw banyak haha)
saus tiram 1 sachet
terasi blok 2 bungkus
kecap ikan 1-2 SDM
2 butir telur ayam
garam secukupnya
2 siung bawang putih

cara membuat

membuat scrambled egg :
panaskan sedikit minyak
kocok telur dengan garam sampai tercampur rata
tambahkan sedikit air
tuang kocokan telur perlahan sambil terus diaduk (supaya orak-ariknya lebih halus dan banyak)
bisa disisihkan atau langsung lanjut

membuat nasi goreng :
panaskan minyak
tumis bawang putih dan terasi (gw lebih suka di geprek atau dicincang halus)
aduk sampai agak kekuningan
masukkan semua jenis kecap tadi dan aduk rata
masukkan nasi dan aduk rata
setelah tercampur rata, jangan lupa tambahkan garam sesuai selera
aduk rata dan sajikan

mohon maaf belom ada fotonya .__. waktu itu masaknya dalam keadaan laper dan lupa difoto jadi

you can freely recook this recipe and let me know through comment :3 thank you



aku suka hujan
sedari dulu hujan memang lebih suka menghampiriku pada musimnya

aku suka hujan
hujan yang menyelimuti saat beranjak tidur

aku suka hujan
hujan yang memerangkap kita untuk berteduh
hujan yang menyapa seketika walau kadang sering memaksa
hujan yang membersihkan jiwa karena kita bisa melihat lebih jernih
hujan yang lebat karena kita tidak dapat melihat apa apa
hujan yang ringan meluruhkan beban di setiap bahu kita
hujan yang memangkas usia kita setengahnya
hujan yang menyapu kesedihan pada wajah yang muram
hujan yang memberikan harapan datangnya kembali musim menanam
hujan yang menghanyutkan jejak langkah kaki kita ke keabaadiannya


reminder of the windmill

hello folks :3

i hope you all in good shape and condition

i will tell you a short story this time hahaha

well since 4 years ago i get a new band on my head, yeah, a dutch studies student ~
some people around me who speaks dutch feel so happy
some of the told me that it makes them feel so nostalgic, a fine nostalgia luckily

in indonesia i found that is a generation gap.
no young people that speak dutch :|
until today we know that not so many people who were having contact with the dutch culture or language decades ago
most of them could be a little ningrat or maybe their family was regarded as an important part of the local society so that they able to get into school that were taught in dutch

for this senior citizen (it will be rough if i call them old people)
most of them questioned me why did i took the major, dutch studies
i easily replied that i was just randomly tossed into it hehehe

and also, some, a few of them asked me so kindly this line, though maybe it happens over and over again :

"wanneer ga je naar holland?"

honestly i dont know why this line bother me this few days hahaha
maybe i will finally have tha chance to go there in next short time XD
they called it holland, well dont mistake netherland and holland
it refers to the same land, netherland. Holland is a province located in Netherland, but people of the old time most of time called it holland

i will took it as a reminder and also a pray
i wish i can finaly step the land of windmills and dam

tot straks ! :3


piala dunia

hi folks :3

posting  kali ini terkait piala dunia hehehe

well piala dunia adalah event yang diadakan setiap empat tahun sekali
dulu gw masih inget waktu piala dunia 2010 gw masih berstatus siswa yang beralih menjadi mahasiswa
dan sekarang tidak terasa udah ada lagi piala dunia 2014
waktu terasa cepat berlalu O__o

untuk indonesia tahun 2014 adalah tahun politik, tahun ini akan dipilih anggota legislatif dan presiden
selama beberapa minggu ke belakang media benar-benar sesak dipenuhi sama berita politik yang itu-itu aja, dimulai dari kampanye hitam sampai debat capres yang menghebohkan hahaha
semua obrolan politik di mana-mana langsung tergantikan oleh topik piala dunia
(kenapa ya semua orang suka sepak bola ?)

saat piala dunia datang menyerang lebih baik siapkan bantal, cemilan dan kopi di sekitarmu ( itupun kalo suka nonton bola )
sebebernya gw juga bukan seorang fans olah raga sepak bola sejati. kalau untuk tim-tim liga biasanya ga sempet nonton karena sibuk Ha Ha Ha

mungkin karena piala dunia selalu disiarin malem hari jadi gw bisa begadang sambil ngikutin pertandingannya, lumayan juga bisa ngisi waktu kalau ga bisa tidur
gw bukan fans juga untuk tim salah satu negara, gw masih lebih ke arah pertandingannya, dari tiap pertandingan cuma milih salah satu tim negara untuk dijagokan
semoga yang terbaik yang menang ~
biasanya juga jadi banyak juga acara atau ajakan nobar (nonton bareng)
jadi, selamat berpesta bola, Indonesia ! xD



hi folks :3

im back again with the next part of the story

tadaa ~

and it is the promised date and time that being written in my ticket
i wake up early in the morning and im feeling too lazy to get this thing done
the asigned place is the pengadilan jakarta selatan
like ever usual routine in the morning there is traffic all the way
as usual too, maybe the sun shines stronger in friday xD i dont know
since i dont feel like to wait and being stuck in the jam then i decide to get off the angkot
getting near to the pengadilan

around it there were also people who offering help to make things done in instant
i ask few people around the pengadilan, it is minimum 150k IDR O_O what a pricey

this is my first time  being in pengadilan or having business with the police
there was a mini court, i consider it mini because  i assume it would be much more bigger room to host an important cases.
i asked a man "pak ambil nomer di mana ?"
he showed me the way, then i saw a loket, here i should exchange the ticket in order to be processed
inside the court room i hear judge calling numbers, but here in the loket they did the same.
it turns out that i dont need to sit in theticketing court O_O i dunno why actually, because the number that being called by the judge is different than the number i had receive from the loket

i got number 250, and that time i need to wait for 30 person before me
there goes my number being called and i paid for 80k IDR
honestly i dont know and/or maybe not yet how could be the number of the fine i should pay is 80k
i dont even know if its truly being disposed to the national treasury XD
also there could be a possibilities of sharing among the people of pengadilan and the police

i heard from other people, that sometimes they got a ticket just because of silly thing, it was truly could be seen as a made up


go architecture

hi folks :3

finaly i made it again to made a post

reporting in the current situation
by now the last semester wont be last more than 3 week i suppose

on the note lies 3 final projects
the first one is almost done and just need a little revision real soon 
the second one is being on a break, few weeks ago the lecturer left to kalimantan and i cant see a sign of returning though this one is the crucial one hahaha XD
the last one is going under preperation, i decided to make a prototype of note book (it is just a simple note book) maybe i will share it when its done

so in the mean time i preparing myself to read some architectural books
my final projects is focused on architectural crafts especially buildings
it may gone a little stray of the literature and linguistic patterns but i believe it is relevant to the main theme of cultural studies and humanities 

it is an important things to be writen also, as we consider many people dont put a good care and concern on old buildings hehehe
i guess its a good thing when people to not just know, but also can learn and conserve old buildings

wish me luck ~



hello folks ! :3

its me again
and im back with the next chapter  part of the story

On a regular day
it is just a regular day for me to go to college
in early morning my sister requested me to drop her to the office

i leave home by 8 in the morning
successfully made my sister to her office without fails
nothing happened strange or else

i got also a packet to be delivered and i should make a little detour
successfully drop the packet without fails
nothing happened strange or else

just next few kilometers
i stopped by the police
remember the so called police i mentioned in the previous post?
luckily or else, its me being stopped at the place
still with provocating tone and style -w- they took the STNK away

i dont have any license, yeah

yeah i know, lately so many razia, and from the bottom of my heart i clearly dislike it.

he asked for my license, i said it was with my wallet
it was a true case where one of my teammate took my bag away with all my belogings inside, including my wallet

voila, i got a ticket
(honestly, i prefer speed ticket, rather than this XD )

when i passed the road early in the morning there was nothing, it was make me sure that no razia will occureed
just in an instant, when i should once again take the same road, there they are.

why should i have a business with the police? :|



aku ingin berjalan bersamamu
dalam hujan dan malam gelap
tapi aku tak bisa melihat matamu

aku ingin berdua denganmu
di antara daun gugur
aku ingin berdua denganmu
tapi aku hanya melihat keresahanmu

aku menunggu dengan sabar
di atas sini melayang-layang
tergoyang angin
menantikan tubuh itu

aku ingin berdua denganmu
di antara daun gugur
aku ingin berdua denganmu
tapi aku hanya melihat keresahanmu

disclaimer: i dont own the lyric



Hi folks :3
its me again
this time
i recall on Counter Strike

dear police, !#@$!%$^!

but im sure that i dislike the police, (keep calm its not a phobia,just dislike, especially here in Indonesia)
since when? i guess starting by the junior high, and especially polantas

yeah for some many years, i got in touch again with the police eventually.

first one,
they object their picture being taken

not long ago i went to college as usual, making few transits to get the bus to the University
and there was a 'razia' (it is some sort of checking XD )
i tried to take a picture of a policeman handling a motorcycle rider.

(unfortunately the picture was not taken)

then suddenly one of them yelled at me (he yelled so good like chasing a thief ) , at the same time i get my cell phone back to my pocket

the next minute came 2 policemen, he said "mas ngapain ngambil-ngambil gambar?" "ada surat-suratnya gak?" so nice with loud voice and pointing to my face -w- push me deeper into pedestrian

so flat i answered "ga ada"

then "gabisa gitu mas sembarangan, punya kartu pers?"

"gapunya pak, saya cuma mahasiswa"
so fast 1 policeman that felt his picture taken left me, without saying anything

"saya komandannya mas, ini semua ada surat-suratnya" though you showed nothing at all as a proof sir XD
"sini saya liat hapenya?!" in order to make it quick i showed him
then he checked my picture folder, looking for the picture

yeah his name is Dariyono, polantas, Jakarta Selatan
his 'anak buah' called him 'pak haji'
the scene is located at the turn that lead to T.B Simatupang. Near FedEx Building
i guess its not a 'fair' place for the riders or drivers
it makes the traffic jammed too
they make sure that all riders was stopped and being checked . . .

first point that i took, our policemen is affraid or maybe clearly dont have any idea of citizen journalism
arguing would take much time and make me late to go to the first class of the day
clearly i know my right is abused when the komandan force me to show my cellphone then trried to delete the photo

it is a prologue of coming story, just drop by this blog next time ~


to be (not) announce

hi folks :3

yeah i can update recently !

to be announced that actually this blog havent got any theme yet, im not looking to add one though
maybe throughout this blog you may see im a little messy little kid XD
keep calm i dont bite hahaha

for upcoming post the blog would galloping around the 3 fields : travelling, food, cooking
some random post maybe occur XD
im not a professional blogger, the blog itself is just a space where i can fill it with some words, some infos and also pictures ~
hope you like it and dont mind to give comments.
to share the story is even better !
the blog wont be focused on one thing, im sure
just to keep the blog simple and also personal hahaha

see you soon !


terbang tanpa sayap

diri ini merapuh
tanpa sakit tanpa kecewa
tanpa tangis tanpa duka

kau pergi
tanpa pesan tanpa tanya
tanpa tanda tanpa jejak
tanpa sayap tanpa angin

pesonamu hancur
tanpa debu tanpa serpih
tanpa desah tanpa pandang
tanpa jalan tanpa ingin

tanpa jejak terbang tanpa sayap

disclaimer : i dont create this poem and own it ~


the last semester

hello folks :3

i know its weird that you jumped from 6 to 8

this is my 8th semester and probably my last semester studying Dutch Studies at university of indonesia.
last semester i did not made any post :| less credit, but still bunch of tasks

well now im sitting on the last semester and currently doing the final project as a reqirement to finish the study XD
im quite mixed up because my academic advisor was sick (wish you get well so soon mevrouw :) )
since her absence then i got a little problem to decide which topic i shoul write for my final project

a little merchandise of the 7th semester, few of my friends already graduated  XD

for my final project i will try to share it here later on

out of sudden a lecturer said to me "what about you take this one for your topic?"
"this one" here mean is a former research that i wish to commence, if only the time was enough. at least it should be done by two people. i still have another thing in my mind, i would like, at least try to develop my own topic. anyway thank you sir :D its a plan B.

any other thing is im taking archeology class :3 it just seem interesting to me ~
i try to learn a new language wish me a good luck

just a simple thing on my last semester
i just want to enjoy it with much of having fun, some studies. work easy* play harder

ps : to get things to be easy, you should handle an arrange things so well ~ XD
see you soon around


inikah suci

hello folks :3 its me again
setelah lama tidak muncul akhirnya bisa update blog juga
sedikit post puisi 

disclaimer : puisi ini bukan ciptaan dan milik gw sama sekali ~ 

daun daun mengayuh langkah
berguguran hujani mataku
seakan memeluk batinku
menyentuh hati yang telah mencintaimu

dirimu seakan penuh tanya
inginkan cinta memadu kata
dirimu bagai bidadari
miliki cinta yang tak sebatas puisi

tanyakan pada hati
adakah cinta sesuci embun pagi di surga
bicaralah  pada daun gugur 
inikah cinta tuk selamanya
