some pieces of life ~

handling emergency

hi folks :3

it is my story in a relation with UGD, Unit Gawat Darurat

reader's discretion is advised


hello folks ! :3

its chapter four, again with police business
why do i need to have business with police, polantas, again haha

this one will be short but i guess im ready to write the next episode of this police thing hmm

yes, for some random reason it took same place like the previous post

it was early morning and i as usual went to campus
this time im taking bus

at the spot i saw razia (it is a strategic place, maybe)

i dont make any fault, im sure

seeing people bering stopped
especially motorcycle riders
then i, just driven out of nothing i took my cell phone out
i took picture, as fast as i could

then suddenly there were shoutings, i remember i dont hear it cleary
and it was, bunch of policemen shouting at me and pointing their finger
as if i am a criminal or so

there came 1 officer, a rese officer
he tried provoke me and tried to take my cellphone
well people around me just silence like nothing is happening, i dont know
i refused as he asks for my cellphone
then came another one
he claims as his commander, ah pak komandan.
well this one was more polote than the first one
he asks for my press card
i said that i dont have any
in order to finish this scene i showed my cellphone
he wants to delete the picture himself
a little bit bad luck, my phone fails to save the picture
he said "lain kali kalo mau foto urus surat-surat dulu"

i saw my bus coming
i shortly replied "kenapa takut difoto?"
and both of them leave me after they convinced that i dont have any photo
and i took my bus with a wonder

they did, through TMC Polda Metro narsis photos, post it day by day
and i witness myself im seeing couple of police did that on some other operations or just by lampu merah
in my opinion from a social perspective, maybe, they're trying to "berdandan", tried to be in good looking, or just pencitraan.
in contrast, why should they so affraid of citizen journalism?
so affraid when an ordinary citizen taking their photo
do they really able to melindungi, mengayomi and even more melayani masyarakat just like that motto 

difoto saja takut.

i keep that in mind



since i was not made an undergraduate thesis so i will just post kata pengantar, here, on my blog


not printed does not mean i dont be thankful

it was an experience of doing research that dates back into over 100 years ago and  the language that is not your mother tongue
i struggled to make the topic passed and it is  passed, after i proposed some other topics and turned down
im doing research on building from dutch colonial time
dutch architectural arts is one of compulsry class, but i saw no one ever write buildings in indonesia from colonial time, in a cultural perspective
i know it is rather difficult and never be posted as an undergraduate thesis in my faculty unless you are an archeology student and they focused more on the technical thins, more or less as a condition to finish my study, other than undergraduate thesis you have to make an academic journal

there is a chance

i was suggested by my advisor to enhance few of my papers and convert it into academic journals but, personally i want  and persistent to make the architecture topic as my final task
i promised myself to make me a magnum opus,  or at least i know it for myself
i saw it is important to write this topic as i see the urgencies of culural sites and building conservation widely in Indonesia, as close as Jakarta, tak kenal maka tak sayang, right?

during the research i found it a little hard to find references since almost all things was written in dutch and even not available in internet, and i know, it is also an indicator that our cultural resources are in danger too
if the people dont even know stories behind some things, monument or such
there was quite many writings about it, but can not be refered for an academic purposes
it is possible i guess in the future that those kind of things will be forgotten, demolished, sold or even robbed

and finally my task completed

at least i know i coined a more friendly summary of one cultural site in Indonesia, written in Bahasa Indonesia
i see language too as a bridge, i hope many other indonesians have the friendly get to know readings for Willemskerk or Immanuel Church Jakarta :3

kata(nya) pengantar

Saya mengucap syukur kepada Bapa di surga karena anugerah dan berkatnya yang melimpah selama saya menjalani masa studi dan penyelesaian tugas akhir ini. Kesempatan untuk dapat berkuliah di Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya telah membentuk diri maupun pikiran saya sebagai seorang pribadi. Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada segenap pihak yang telah dan terus mendukung saya sepanjang masa perkuliahan dan hingga tugas akhir ini berhasil dirampungkan. 


"Takut akan Tuhan adalah permulaan pengetahuan"

Amsal 1 : 7a

not so blank page

this post marks my come back to the blog  XD