some pieces of life ~

happy birthday me

hi folks 

few weeks ago i got my birthday
when it comes to birthday i think it much better to get home
my birthday was also the first day of erasmus summerclass this year

im just turned 20, i feel not young anymore already hahaha
i already had a niece named Abbey
having a niece feels like having a daughter maybe hehehe

by the class those two docent sing me a nederlands happy birthday song
at the same time, for once again they asked " it is no joking right ? "
it was just my brother when im arrived home
my sister still oveseas for her programme
the next morning she called through skype

nothing special this year i guess, made my own cake ~
 for my birthday i got several little gifts i will post the photo soon hehe :3


ngabuburit time

we know that the fasting season has already over hehehe

when i could take a little break i decided to cycling around
what comes to my mind was just cycling around the neighborhood
but out of sudden i took it a little further away i guess hehehe

little help from holland

lately i got so exhausted with al work things even though it was a long break
everyday i can not rest my hands and also my body
thankfuly came packs of chocolate from my cousin Jennifer
thank you :3

at the same time im in love with pralines :9


pop -w- photo

yup ~ kedua foto ini diambil sambil mengemudi sepdea motor dalam keadaa kecepatan lumayan tinggi
beberapa kali mencoba motret kebanyakan dapetnya blur hahaha

selama liburan ini hampir sama sekali tidak menapakkan kaik ke kampus, kebetulan kali ini memenuhi permintaan teman yang bajunya ketinggalan di rumah -w-

untuk foto yang di bawah, yang muncul di imajinasi gw adalah :
moving club, dark room, DJ, bar and loud music 
padahal cuma bisa antar kota biasa XD silly me


stolen kitchen

XD why i called it a stolen kitchen ?
actually at the uni plenty of my friends call my name with panda
it was a buka puasa ocassion with the Dutch Studies 2010
it was a new restaurant that opened also at a new mall in jakarta ~

een bezoek

:3 sedikit mungkin gw akan berbicara melalui gambar
ceritanya pendek tapi gambarnya banyak hehehe

random thing in ramadhan

hi folks :3 hi blog

as you know im having my annual break from the university ~
this month, august especially the ramadhan week i got some random experience =w=

i begin with what happened to me early this morning
i admit that i sleep pretty much in my free time, i cant get a good night sleep during projects, asignments or some other jobs -w-
this morning i suddenly pushed away from my sleep and cant get back to sleep, i dont even know the reaon behind this thing.
sleep is a good entertainment for me, but not this time *sigh*

second, a few hours later i decided to take a stroll and withdraw some money
my house is located pretty far from a hospital, but this morning i just want to enjoy the less traffic jakarta street hehehe
it was an good hospital in my opininon located in Bintaro, just 20 of driving normally
there is also the ATM, it is my first time to visit the hospital, once again after the building renovated
i asked a patient, he told me that the ATM centre located near the Emergency Unit Room
after i withdraw some money, while i walked outside, through the parking lot, suddenly somebody called my name

there were sit my relatives in shiver while holding her cellphone
she said that she was just arrived, her bro in law got a heart attack and currently be treated in the unit
for a while i acompany her inside the emergency unit
by the moment i stepped in, she was called by her bro in law
he started to talking in 1 or 2 words at a time for a single inhale-exhale breathing
and he started the agony phase
he started to calle her wife, children and any other relatives
not so long his wife already passed away by a cancer, his daughter also in therapy of cancer overseas

i know a little bit, his life are not going to last a day
he started to vomit, and excreting all the rest inside of his digesting system, im sure of that
just a couple hours i left the hospital he died

and here comes the third one

two nights ago, by a gas station i was stopped by a random stranger
he asked me to bring a springbed home
at the time im with a motorcycle and it is impossible to do
he said that he got the bed from his boss as a THR and planning to go directly with mudik
he said that i can buy it for a half price -w-
well i dont have any idea of the event happening
i said that i dont have any money, and lived far away
once again he asked me to take the bed with
for the las time i said, i dont have any money cuz i spend a lot for a plane ticket
after that i saw his face so pissed and in other way, it could somekind of crime
i felt so uneasy around him while we talk

maybe my random life attract many random things -w- i dont know

ETC summer class 2012

Hi  ~

gw baru saja kembali dari kelas musim panas yang diadain di erasmus
sebenranya ini adalah kali kedua gw ikut program ini
programnya diwajibkan oleh kampus
selama 2 minggu gw harus bangun extra pagi supaya ga  terlambat
-w- tau sendiri kan macetnya jakarta saaat jam berangkat kantor, di sisi lain juga ga boleh telat.
kali ini gw dapet 2 dosen asing namanya : ellen le compte dan rachel jobels
yang pertama orang belgia dan yang kedua orang belanda
hal yang menjadi seru adalah dosen yang gw dapet umurnya masih muda, jadi lebih interaktif hahaha
in near future akan gw upload beberapa foto see you soon


liebster award

hi folks :3 hi blog ~
 award ini diberikan dari 
sepertinya liebster itu bahasa jerman ya 

Peraturan :

  • Tiap orang yang kena tag harus nulis 11 hal mengenai dirinya sendiri
  • Jawab pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh orang yang nge-tag kamu
  • Bikin 11 pertanyaan baru untuk orang yang ingin kamu tag
  • Tentuin 11 orang untuk dapat award ini dan link-kan mereka ke post-mu
  • Pergi ke halaman blog mereka dan kasitau kalo mereka dapat award ini
  • Tidak bisa nge-tag balik

Nah, sekarang saya mau menuliskan 11 hal mengenai diri saya:

  1. Terlahir di bulan Juli
  2. baru saja berkepala dua
  3. Easy listener (musik apapun yg enak di telinga, psti didengerin)
  4. Menyukai alat musik string, rhythm, tiup
  5. Sedang menjalani masa studi tahun ketiga di jurusan Studi Belanda
  6. Seorang pengemudi ilegal tanpa SIM sejak kelas 6 SD hingga saat ini
  7. Coffees :3
  8. Ingin bikin band/orkes amatir kecil-kecilan aja
  9. Nocturnal (ini biasanya disebabkan nugas kuliah XD)
  10. An oneironaut
  11. Berharap bisa ikut elfstedentocht

Terus, ini pertanyaan dari saya untuk kesebelas teman yang beruntung di atas:

  1. Punya nama tengah? Pandya
  2. Henpon yang sekarang kamu pake itu henpon keberapa? ke 8 atw 9
  3. Pernah loncat kelas? belum tp dulu pengen
  4. Pas lagi ngetik ini, jam berapa di situ? 11.35 AM
  5. Nasi goreng langgananmu di mana? di deket kampus STIE bakti pembangunan jakarta, masnya namanya komeng
  6. Kamu ultah bulan apa? Juli
  7. Apa alat musik yang bisa kamu mainkan? sedikit gitar ~
  8. SMS paling atas di-inboxmu sekarang dari siapa? Refina (nama garem kn ya tuh ?)
  9. Film yang kamu nonton sebelum nge-post tulisan ini apa? Ben X (bukan ben ten loh)
  10. Perpustakaan atau mall? Perpustakaan, klo ngantuk bisa tiduran XD di mall ga bisa
  11. Punya kenangan seru dengan dompet? waktu SD pernah nyangkutin dompet temen di talang air sekolah XD
Berikut adalah pertanyaannya
  1. Kalo punya anak laki-laki namanya siapa, perempuan namanya siapa ?
  2. Pernah minum minyak kayu putih ? rasanya gimana ?
  3. Apartemen atau Kosan
  4. Kenangan terseru waktu masih SD ?
  5. Cemilan favorit ? belinya dimana ?
  6. Canon atau Nikon ?
  7. 1 kue yang pengen banget di coba apa ?
  8. Warna baju yang ga dimilikin ?
  9. Nama guru paling nyebelin di SMP ? pelajaran apa ?
  10. Bisa naik sepeda dari umur berapa ?
  11. Tujuan wisata yang pengen banget dikunjungi ?

pertanyaan yang tertera diatas silahkan dijawab ~
meskipun ini award tapi gw terlalu bingung mau nge-tag siapa =w= jd boleh diambil secara bebas klo mau ~

rainbow cake trial

hi folks :3 currently im working for a kitchen for a bit
what im doing is just take things here and there, mix things then bake ~
here are just some pic of the experiments and trials X3


Durian atau duren pasti udah familiar di kuping kita semua orang indonesia
duren dapet predikat : " Raja Buah " 

XD mungkin karena besar ukurannya atau juga karena banya durinya bisa dibilang mirip mahkota kali ya ~