some pieces of life ~

go architecture

hi folks :3

finaly i made it again to made a post

reporting in the current situation
by now the last semester wont be last more than 3 week i suppose

on the note lies 3 final projects
the first one is almost done and just need a little revision real soon 
the second one is being on a break, few weeks ago the lecturer left to kalimantan and i cant see a sign of returning though this one is the crucial one hahaha XD
the last one is going under preperation, i decided to make a prototype of note book (it is just a simple note book) maybe i will share it when its done

so in the mean time i preparing myself to read some architectural books
my final projects is focused on architectural crafts especially buildings
it may gone a little stray of the literature and linguistic patterns but i believe it is relevant to the main theme of cultural studies and humanities 

it is an important things to be writen also, as we consider many people dont put a good care and concern on old buildings hehehe
i guess its a good thing when people to not just know, but also can learn and conserve old buildings

wish me luck ~



hello folks ! :3

its me again
and im back with the next chapter  part of the story

On a regular day
it is just a regular day for me to go to college
in early morning my sister requested me to drop her to the office

i leave home by 8 in the morning
successfully made my sister to her office without fails
nothing happened strange or else

i got also a packet to be delivered and i should make a little detour
successfully drop the packet without fails
nothing happened strange or else

just next few kilometers
i stopped by the police
remember the so called police i mentioned in the previous post?
luckily or else, its me being stopped at the place
still with provocating tone and style -w- they took the STNK away

i dont have any license, yeah

yeah i know, lately so many razia, and from the bottom of my heart i clearly dislike it.

he asked for my license, i said it was with my wallet
it was a true case where one of my teammate took my bag away with all my belogings inside, including my wallet

voila, i got a ticket
(honestly, i prefer speed ticket, rather than this XD )

when i passed the road early in the morning there was nothing, it was make me sure that no razia will occureed
just in an instant, when i should once again take the same road, there they are.

why should i have a business with the police? :|



aku ingin berjalan bersamamu
dalam hujan dan malam gelap
tapi aku tak bisa melihat matamu

aku ingin berdua denganmu
di antara daun gugur
aku ingin berdua denganmu
tapi aku hanya melihat keresahanmu

aku menunggu dengan sabar
di atas sini melayang-layang
tergoyang angin
menantikan tubuh itu

aku ingin berdua denganmu
di antara daun gugur
aku ingin berdua denganmu
tapi aku hanya melihat keresahanmu

disclaimer: i dont own the lyric



Hi folks :3
its me again
this time
i recall on Counter Strike

dear police, !#@$!%$^!

but im sure that i dislike the police, (keep calm its not a phobia,just dislike, especially here in Indonesia)
since when? i guess starting by the junior high, and especially polantas

yeah for some many years, i got in touch again with the police eventually.

first one,
they object their picture being taken

not long ago i went to college as usual, making few transits to get the bus to the University
and there was a 'razia' (it is some sort of checking XD )
i tried to take a picture of a policeman handling a motorcycle rider.

(unfortunately the picture was not taken)

then suddenly one of them yelled at me (he yelled so good like chasing a thief ) , at the same time i get my cell phone back to my pocket

the next minute came 2 policemen, he said "mas ngapain ngambil-ngambil gambar?" "ada surat-suratnya gak?" so nice with loud voice and pointing to my face -w- push me deeper into pedestrian

so flat i answered "ga ada"

then "gabisa gitu mas sembarangan, punya kartu pers?"

"gapunya pak, saya cuma mahasiswa"
so fast 1 policeman that felt his picture taken left me, without saying anything

"saya komandannya mas, ini semua ada surat-suratnya" though you showed nothing at all as a proof sir XD
"sini saya liat hapenya?!" in order to make it quick i showed him
then he checked my picture folder, looking for the picture

yeah his name is Dariyono, polantas, Jakarta Selatan
his 'anak buah' called him 'pak haji'
the scene is located at the turn that lead to T.B Simatupang. Near FedEx Building
i guess its not a 'fair' place for the riders or drivers
it makes the traffic jammed too
they make sure that all riders was stopped and being checked . . .

first point that i took, our policemen is affraid or maybe clearly dont have any idea of citizen journalism
arguing would take much time and make me late to go to the first class of the day
clearly i know my right is abused when the komandan force me to show my cellphone then trried to delete the photo

it is a prologue of coming story, just drop by this blog next time ~
