some pieces of life ~

lebaran day off

this is my first post in Bahasa Indonesia, hope you can enjoy it folks~

Hari ini adalah salah satu hari libur gw yg bisa gw nikmatin hehe, hari ini dari bangun pagi udah diajakin untuk bersih-bersih di rumah, well rumah gw emang ga besar-besar banget tp cukup bwt menampung sekeluarga hehe.

Beres-beres dimulai dari carport, karena udah lama ga terisi sama mobil jd carport gw kemudian beralih fungsi jd gudang sementara. Pertama-tama ngebersihin rak-rak sepatu yg menjadi sarang sepatu-sepatu keluarga hehe. Semua sepatu yang ada dipilah ulang lagi, yg rusak di buang yg masih bisa dipake disimpen. Unfortunately di rumah gw terkenal sebagai "orang gunung" entah dari mana datangnya nama itu. Based on fact sih hampir semua sepatu yg dikasih ke gw pasti ga bakal panjang umurnya =,= padahal ga ad hubungannya.
Setelah terkumpul sekitar 7 karung sampah (kok banyak banget ya ?) dimulailah proses akhir, yaitu pembuangan hahaha. di deket rumah gw ada tempat pembuangan sampah sementara jd gw pikir buang aja ah disana. Karena ga ada mobil jd gw harus ngangkut sampah bolak-balik (macam setrika aja). Proses pembuangan akhirnya dapat berjalan dengan baik meskipun gw sedikit merasa aneh, bayangan aja, selama gw bolak-balik ngangkut sampah ada bapak-bapak yg merhatiin gw (mungkin dikira mesin photocopy) masa gw ditatap dengan tatapan penuh tanda tanya seakan bertanya "kok anak ini rajin bener bolak-balik bawa sampah"
Selain ngebersihin rak-rak sepatu tadi, di carport gw juga masih banyak hal-hal lainnya yg pda akhirnya harus diberesin jg, akhirnya dengan bangga gw memberi nama kegiatan hari ini dengan sebutan "de Groot Corvey" karena hari ini banyak bgt yg dikerjain, dirapihin, disortir ulang dan dibuang (maaf pak, jangan marah ya haha xD)
Setelah seharian bekerja akhirnya dimalam hari tubuh gw sudah dipenuhi dengan asam laktat yg membuat badan ini jd pegel-pegel semua (sempet-sempetnya nge-blog bang xD) tp tetep aja kok bisa bersih-bersih rumah dan hasilnya memuaskan kok hahahaha.

sebenernya gw juga punya keyakinan, kalau seandainya carport udah kosong berarti gw bisa isi dengan mobil sendiri (amin)

happy~ XD

Hi world !! im just came back and take a break for a moment from uni

The first thing is, for now i can proudly stands and walk cuz of im already accepted in one of most wanted uni in indonesia. Even though im not accepted in my first major option, im glad that i accepted as scholarship scholar XD

Just wish me luck to finish the undergraduate less than 4 yrs and also get a graduate scholarship abroad~ my distenation for graduate degree is between two country for now, first is japan and the second one is netherland (im majoring its cultural studies for now)


hehe at last im back to post on this blog ^^

hmm for now i felt trapped (is it real trap or what ?)

yesterday i just got my national examination notification....
thx God that im passed the test but the scores cant surprise me a lot...
there were standard scores hahaha ^^
one thing that i can be proud of is the process..
im sure that the result is the payback of my study, even though my time for the preperation before the exam was tight with many activities . that time i was working hard for the exam TwT and the another thing is, i finished every single question alone.. even there were plenty of my friends cheating around *sigh

i was so bored on this holiday because ive got nothing to do for now..

my routines are : wake up in the morning, do chores, watch TV, eat, sleep and breathing also hahaha

maybe i will try to do some activities to fill my day off ^^

i'm back! haha

after the national exam..

the only thing to do now is wait for the notification..

and enjoying the "senior's day off"

and also during this holiday i will wait for my notification from my previous test for university--

hope i could accepted at the uni hahaha XDD
finally the national exam is over.. cheers ^_^
but still few things to do hehehe..
SIMAK is waiting ...


in the next 6 days i will facing my final exams so I will leave this blog for a while

today i will share about a song that kept playing through my mind ^^

lyric :
Uta wo utaou
(Let's sing a song)
Daichi no uta wo
(The song of the Earth)
Kaze wo idakou
(Hold the wind in your arms)
Hikari abite
(Bask in the light)
Hoshi wa mata taki
(The stars are twinkling)
Mochi wa kirameku
(Shining down upon the streets)
Fuwa fuwa fururi
(Light and bouncy)
Negai komete...
(Be full of hopes...)

Uta wo utaou
(Let's sing a song)
Sekai no uta wo
(Let the song of the world)
Doko made ikou
(Travel forever)
Sora wo aoide
(Looking up at the sky)
Hito no ubugoe
(The sound of people talking)
Mushi no habataki
(Insects jumping)
Fuwa fuwa fururi
(Light and bouncy)
Omoi nosete...
(Taking my hopes with it...)

Fuwa fuwa fururi
(Light and bouncy)
Ashita wa kitto
(Tomorrow will definitely)
Fuwa fuwa fururi Sora ni todoku
(Light and bouncy. Reach the sky)


Hello world..

it's my first blog

-still under renovations-

but feel free to enjoy ^__^


im ready to blog2 away !!



pos tarpos

ini post pertama gw hehehe