some pieces of life ~

hungry and foolish

Hi folks


judul post ini sama saja dengan kutipan yang sudah beredar luas, paling tidak di hidup kita yang tidak jauh-jauh dari teknologi bernama internet

kutipan di atas diambil dari ucapan seorang terkenal, pendiri dan pencipta dari perusahaan berlambang apel krowak haha,

iya, gw bukan penggemar apel
tapi setelah saya utak-atik (secara tak sengaja baru-baru ini) apel memang menawarkan kenyamanan pengguna yang berbeda daripada jendela
baiklah gw mengakui kehebatan apel, sebelum kamu hilang, Steve Jobs.

sudahlah maksud gw bukan untuk membandingkan jendela dengan apel

kembali ke persoalan kutipan
stay hungry, stay foolish

iya saya lapar, kadang juga bodoh
semudah itu gw terinspirasi oleh ucapannya
sederhana tapi mengusik
dalam kiasan seolah mengatakan "heh, jangan sombong!"

teruslah lapar
teruslah bodoh
ayo berpikir

dengan begitu belajar terasa menyenangkan karena gw tidak ingin merasa sok tahu
di dalam pikiran ada suara "i can learn something new everyday"

sejauh gw mengenal steve jobs hanya dari apa yang dibuatnya di apel
gw merasakan sendiri hasil pemikirannya dari produk buatan apel
gw baru mulai penasaran lantaran dia dikabarkan meninggal dunia
gw rasa gw harus baca biografinya
(well i need to find the book soon)

gimme a topic

Hi folks !


in order to help me gather ideas then i try to open this box

you can comment on this post and ask me to give a thought about it
your topic is welcome


up alive

Hi folks !


well im motivated to make a blog post
i just happened saw so many blogpost feeds and it means i dont blog so much lately haha

hey, im doing it on my working hour
no, im not sorry ~
its part of the job i guess 

im kind of utilizing blog as a space to practice my writing
pardon my bad writing, hope i can get better as time goes 

so how is life?

just a moment earlier i saw a vlog post from my friend and by then rise an urge to keep this blog alive, or at the very least lively
maybe a vlog project one day
oh i recall there was a podcast too
hmm sounds cool

its the same like the sub-title state, this blog is pieces of  my life (?) 
my life is recorded here, through pictures or just a simple line i write
its funny to re-read a post from my early years
there is no rigid form of the blog or the theme
every post, i consider it as an unique brick that build the house

huff, so much things missed to be write down since i got time consuming stuff 
work, work, work?
like i said earlier, rest well is half of the work

i lost my time
i lost my 15-ish hour of working out a week :(
i missed more than 100 chapters of manga series
i lost my siesta, you know you can google it
i miss to spend the time in the kitchen too

what else?
well i got a job, try to like the job
fine, im not the kid who whines over job related stress-stuffs
chillax ! XD
i challenge myself just how far i will go with the job ?
wish me luck :3

on the other hand i try to do something e-sport related
i started to run a startup
im doing this like a marathon
it (should be) more like partying for living
is it rhymes or ring a bell?
i decided to not stop with the game stuff, in a way or other way around

for something that coming, im aiming to pursue  higher education
i wish to learn new things, just because its fun to do so
wish me luck :3 (again)

enough for now
i expect more things to come XD
see ya



aku ada di belantara
kamu ada di mana
di samudra aku berada
kamu juga tidak ada
jagat jadi bertanya
aku di mana
kamu di mana

di dunia orang mati
terlalu banyak gaduh
di pesta raya riuh
sepi tapi aku tidak tuli

agar supaya
menangkap aku sewaktu berlari
mendapati aku di saat duduk
menghampiri saat ku rebah

aku atau kamu berpikir
merindu atau dirindukan
